Let's Get Cooking...
Rehearsals for Too Many Cooks are underway and tickets are on sale now, so let's get down to business and explore what's happening behind the scenes! I was fortunate to be able to interview some of my fellow cast-mates and really delve into their thoughts on the show, as well as their characters. Check out their insight below:
Casey: So, fellas, tell our adoring fans a little about your character and what you relate to most about him.
Robert Eric Armstrong: My character is Constable Hamilton Xavier Effing, a Royal Canadian Mountie who takes his job very seriously--especially when it comes to illegal booze. I believe the greatest similarity between Effing and myself is our use of logic to guide our most important decisions. Although, I must admit that when frustrated, we can act a little rash!
Kevin McGuire: I can definitely relate to my character, Alfonse "Noodles" Feghetti--but the reasoning might surprise you! I'm a retired police officer, so I have experience trying to think like a criminal in order to catch a criminal.
Andrew Mayle: Shirley is Feghetti's right hand man and enforcer, which is a hysterical part. He's a rough grunt who's not too sharp and has several one-liners that leave me laughing in tears.
John Brenner: My character is Irving Bubbalowe, the owner of the restaurant at the center of the story. What I relate to most with him is his exasperation at everything interfering with his plans at such a crucial moment in his life.
Casey: What do you think the greatest challenges are for you with your character, and/or the show in general?
Andrew: My greatest challenge with my character is that Shirley's personality is the complete opposite of mine! I'm a big guy, but I'm a teddy bear at heart and, well, being a math teacher, a little nerdy. Not Shirley though: he's simple, tough, and will not think twice about pummeling someone to a pulp!
Kevin: Character-wise, the greatest challenge is keeping Noodles serious, but also funny. Maintaining my accents and inflections will be the most important part for me to focus on.
John: The greatest challenge with this show, as with most farces, will be the pace and timing. There is so much entering and exiting with back and forth dialogue, so any stalls or lags will cause the play to completely lose momentum. Plus, I have a lot of lines--but I'm not very worried about that yet. We're even rehearsing on our own time to get that repetition down that really "sets" the lines in my head for me.
Eric: I definitely echo the tempo and timing sentiment. The fast-paced action and slapstick nature of this farce requires certain details to be handled just the right way in order for the comedic gems to really shine. If we execute our lines and blocking correcting, I know the audience will be laughing from start to finish!
Casey: Speaking of laughter, why do you think audiences will love Too Many Cooks and what would you say to encourage them to attend?
John: Audiences will love this show because the story moves quickly, there are several surprises, some really funny lines, and great sight gags.
Andrew: Too Many Cooks is one of the funniest shows I have ever taken part in. Mistaken identities, plus oblivious characters and their crazy antics, will leave audiences begging for more!
Eric: I feel privileged to be a part of this production, because like Andrew said, this is one of the funniest modern farces I have ever read. Anyone looking for an evening to escape the daily grind of life and forget all their troubles has definitely got to see this show!
Kevin: Simply put, this show is perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy a great comedy without having to think too much. They're gonna laugh their butts off! Plus, the show features a fantastically talented cast.
And there you have it! A show full of wise-cracking gangsters, uptight Canadian Mounties, and a nervous restaurant owner on the verge of his special opening--what more could you want? Well, even if you did want more, Too Many Cooks certainly got it. We've got singing chefs, strict immigration officers, and more accents than you can fathom. And don't forget to check out the poster for Too Many Cooks below for all your show and ticket info!