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What's Next: TOO MANY COOKS!

Now that warmer weather is finally here, the Bobcat Players are onto their next summer sensation--Marcia Kash and Douglas E. Hughes' Too Many Cooks! This hysterical farce is lead by experienced director Rosh Raines and his cast of eight. We anticipate a sell-out with this must-see comedy, so mark your calendars! Too Many Cooks has only five performances in July, all beginning at 7:30 pm. Dates are July 20, 21, 26, 27, and 28--and tickets will go on sale June 20!

Set during the Depression and Prohibition in Niagara Falls, Irving Bubbalowe is poised to open his new gourmet restaurant & hotel when suddenly, everything falls into chaos. Bubbalowe's singing French chef, Francois LaPlouffe, has yet to show up for his culinary debut and then Bubbalowe discovers an illegal scheme has been taking place right under his nose. His daughter, Honey, tries to get them out of this stew by hiring an unemployed chef named Frank Plunkett. But Honey's goose is cooked with the appearance of a bootlegging mobster, a squeaky clean Canadian Mountie, and a pesky corpse that won’t stay dead. It’s a recipe for mayhem that’s sure to satisfy even the heartiest appetite for humor!

Too Many Cooks premiered in Ontario in 2003 and in the United States in 2011. In 2015, the script was translated into French--Les Combats de Chefs. It has garnered rave reviews, including one from CHCD Radio in Ontario calling it "brilliantly written" and "the most entertaining play I have ever seen! I've never laughed so hard..."

Our production is in the early stages--in fact, our first read-through for Too Many Cooks took place on May 30. The majority of the cast is new to our stage, but it was immediately apparent that these actors are perfectly suited for this roaring comedy. With three rehearsals this week, the cast is already underway learning their blocking and (hopefully!) lines. The complexity of the script and the precision it requires present quite a challenge--and the Bobcats are certainly ready for the task at hand!

Stay tuned for our upcoming entries featuring commentary from the director, an inside look at who's who in the cast, and behind the scenes photographs of the costumes & sets. This is one heaping pile of farce and we hope you're hungry!

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