What's the Buzz?
Every year, the Bobcat Players hold a social before the season opens to introduce casts, crews, board members and faithful volunteers to one another. Our hope is always that this event will allow everyone to mingle and bond, as well as encourage support for each other's productions. Our 2018 season boasts a variety of material and we are happy to welcome returning actors, as well as new players. (This year, approximately 1/3 of our actors are new to our stage--a number we are quite excited about!)
Friday night was full of many memorable moments, both happy and sad. We held two moments of silence in honor of former board member and beloved actress Melissa Schneiderman, as well as Florence "Shutsy" Reynolds, the local WASP who attended our season special production of Meredith Dayna Levy's Decision Height. And while we had all intentions of performing two pieces from our outreach program this year, an issue with sound equipment prevented that. But the show must go on and indeed it did with rousing speeches from President Keith Zagorski and Artistic Director Patti Ross! The tone is certainly set for a very special year and we can't wait to see how it all "plays" out.

In other news, our season postcard went out this week and we will have extras available throughout the season at our box office. If you want to join our mailing list for next year, please follow this link. Next month's blog entries will take an inside look at our season opener, Leslie Sands' Something to Hide. Join us as we step into the mind of director Keith Zagorski and meet the cast in advance! Thank you as always for your support and HAPPY EASTER!