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Welcome to Stephen's Point!

With only 15 days until the opening of A Very Oblonski Valentine, it's time to meet those folks that inhabit the charming town of Stephen's Point!

You know the familiar face of the town's wise storyteller, Josiah Putnam, played by Bobcat Players founder Franklin Myers. You'll most recently remember him from his capable direction of our last production, Meredith Dayna Levy's Decision Height. We are thrilled to have him reprise this role, which he originated in both productions of Unexpected Gifts, and you can check out our Facebook page to see throwback pictures of Myers as Putnam!

Armstrong and Andres, respectively, in rehearsal.

Time for our title characters! Meet Archie Oblonski, the helpless older brother who is the catalyst for the entire story. We are fortunate to have Alex Andres reprise the role he originated in each production of Unexpected Gifts. Eric Armstrong joins the cast as the youngest brother, Chubby; you may remember him from his multiple roles in our spring production of Tom Griffin's The Boys Next Door. Russ Russell also reprises his role as Butch Oblonski, the lovesick middle brother who desperately wants to find Archie a mate. Russell not only originated the role in both previous productions of Unexpected Gifts, but even planted the idea for the sequel in our talented playwright's mind.

Russell and Bushnell, respectively, in rehearsal.

Butch's happiness rests on Archie finding a wife, because the brothers promised their dearly departed mother to marry in birth order--and Butch is already engaged! Jennie Bushnell plays the role of Butch's fiancee, Lily Gradisak. Bushnell was last seen on our stage in Marc Camoletti's Don't Dress for Dinner and is active in film as well.

Zagorski and Reddinger, respectively, in rehearsal.

The happy couple has been gifted the help of two wedding planners named Julian and Adrian Gregory. These characters are sure to be audience favorites and are played by Keith Zagorski and Theo Reddinger, respectively. Zagorski is the president of the Bobcat Players and is one of our patron's most beloved actors. Reddinger makes his Bobcat debut but is known in local theatre, having performed at R-ACT and Red Barn. However, without a wedding to plan, the Gregory brothers must try a new approach--hiring a matchmaker!

Maura Underwood commands the stage as old-school matchmaker, Sadie Guildenstern. Underwood joins us for the first time, but is no stranger to the stage and also teaches music at a local high school. Her matches for Archie include three familiar faces: Erin Berger, Kelly Follmer, and Steph Carhart. Berger is known for her many roles with the Bobcats, and has directed both of our Pittsburgh New Works Festival performances. Follmer made her first appearance with the Bobcats in our season special, Decision Height, as Rosalie. Carhart has volunteered as a house manager and ticket seller throughout the season and finally makes her Bobcat debut!

There is one more cast member we haven't yet mentioned; however, we don't to spoil any surprises for our audiences, so we won't be revealing her role here! Nevertheless, we are excited to have Johanna Lord join us again--you may remember her from our 2015 season special, John Cariani's Almost, Maine. Suffice to say, Lord's character will cause quite the commotion in Stephen's Point!

With hilarious characters and tons of twists, Patti Ross's A Very Oblonski Valentine is sure to be the talk of the town! Tickets are on sale now and are only $10. You can purchase them online, in person at the Hostess Gift Shoppe, or reserve by calling our box office at (724) 494-1680. All seats are general admission, and reservations that are not picked up by 7:15 pm will be resold if necessary. Online tickets are subject to a $.50 non-refundable processing fee per ticket. You don't want to miss this!

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