Address: 1300 Fifth St., Beaver, PA 15009
Directional Signs are Provided for Ease of Parking
Main Parking Lot:
Located on Gypsy Glen Road past the tennis courts, outdoor swimming pool and the football field. You may follow the signs for parking in the back of the school building next to the track. The entrance is located to your immediate left. Signs will direct you to the theater.
Additional Parking Lot:
If you have gone to the main parking area and all spaces are full, you may park in front of the high school. To reach this lot, go out of the main parking area and turn right. You will pass the football field, outdoor swimming pool and the tennis court. Turn right immediately after the tennis court, this is the main entrance to the high school. You will come to a stop sign, turn right and it will take you to the Bell Tower entrance. There is plenty of parking space available.
You will be able to enter the building at this site. Enter under the Bell Tower and follow the right hallway through the black doors to the theater.