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2017 Season

The Boys Next Door - Spring Show

A Comedy By Tom Griffin | Directed by Dave Neuhart

Show Dates: May 5-6 & 11-13, 2017 at 7:30 pm


Deep in the heart of New England, four mentally challenged men share a group home. In this humorous and heart-warming comedy, they take on the ups, downs, and foibles of life, including work, relationships, and even romance.


Theirs is not always the easiest of lots, but under the guiding hand of their social worker/group home leader, they navigate the world with wonder and excitement. And they offer audiences the opportunity to laugh with them, to lament with them, and to understand just why they are labeled as special.

Foolish Fishgirls and the Pearl - Summer Show

A Comedy by Barbara Pease Weber| Directed by Shelly Cary

Show Dates: July 14-15 & 20-22, 2017 at 7:30 pm


Contrary to folklore, even mermaids can be unlucky in love. When two sirens of the sea forsake their tails for earthly love, they find that mortal men can be both dangerous and deceitful.


How to survive failed romance? They open an oceanfront bed and breakfast, appropriately called Sea Hags, and try to warn young women of all persuasions about the risks of loving men. Then, one night while the bed and breakfast is battered by a fierce winter storm, fate intervenes and second chances arrive in most unlikely form.

Decision Height - Season Special

A Drama By Meredith Dayna Levy | Directed by Franklin Myers

Show Dates: September 14, 15, 16 at 7:30PM, September 17 at 3:00PM

As World War II raged in Europe and the Pacific, most American women did their part on the home front. They raised money for war bonds, planted victory gardens, and replaced fighting men in mills and factories. But all across the country, brave bands of females elected to do even more.


Among them was a group who stepped up to become members of the Women Airforce Service Pilots, learning to fly so that their male counterparts could go into battle. This is the true story of six of those women, who abandoned homes and husbands to take flight and soar to heroic heights.

A Very Oblonski Valentine - Fall Show

A Comedy by Patti Ross | Directed by Patti Ross & Mike Maricone

Show Dates: November 10, 11, 16, 17, 18  all shows 7:30PM


The ABCs of Hardware Know-how from Unexpected Gifts are back again. Years have passed, and middle brother Butch is about to wed his long-time paramour Lily Gradisak.


But there’s a problem. The brothers have promised their dearly departed mother that Archie, oldest of the three, will be the first to marry. Finding him a bride just may throw a wrench into the marital plans of the two lovebirds. A pair of fussy wedding planners and a zealous matchmaker join forces to introduce Archie to connubial bliss, but will their efforts be for better or for worse?

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